Harrison’s Annual “Lights of Love” Ceremony has been sponsored by the Twentieth Century Club since 1999. Luminaries are placed on graves in the Maplewood Cemetery.
Maplewood Cemetery, a final resting place for many in the area, is especially beautiful in the fall when vibrant Maple trees grace the graves of loved ones. Locals often drive through during this time of year to study the history via local historic grave sites, to remember loved ones, and glory in the handiwork of the Lord and His wonderful Maple Trees.
Though the Maple Trees may have dropped their splendid color, the December celebration glows with love and harmony as specially lit luminaries are placed by family members on graves.
Club volunteers, Boy and Girl Scouts, and other youth clubs assist with this event. Everyone is invited to attend this very special holiday event. For more information contact Mary Speice at 870.741.2814.